Printouts can be customized in a number of ways. In this article we describe the various areas of the printout, starting from the top of the page.
The logo of the printout will default to the YogaClassplan logo. If you have a logo you would like to appear at the top instead, please send a request to We will need you to supply your account/login name, and a graphic file (.png preferred) to use for a logo of at least 300 pixels wide and 100 pixels in height. Keep in mind, the custom logo can not be turned on and off at will, and will always appear on your printouts going forward.
Created By / Username
The created "by" below the name of the classplan defaults to your username, but can be changed under Settings -> Print/PDF Preferences -> Printed Username.
Classplan Description
Just below the header, the classplan description will appear. This can be set from the Add/Edit Class Plans -> Edit -> Modify Classplan Properties ( this icon ). The Description field can be modified to change the general description that will be included on the top of the printout.
Pose Descriptions and Comments
The actual classplan that is displayed can be customized using the options under Settings -> Print/PDF Preferences. Depending on the selected Print Layout, it can be further customized.
Also, depending on the layout it will allow room to include the comments you set on a pose, and the transition comments you include for poses in your classplan. (see Tutorial 1 - Getting Started with YogaClassPlan - around 2:45 into the video for info on how to set comments and transitions).
Grid Format: Either Portrait, or Landscape mode. This format is meant to get a visual overview of the class. It contains at least the image, pose name and secondary-language pose name (see English and Sanskrit Languages). It does not allow for more customization beyond this.
Extended Grid Format (Landscape): This format is an extension of the regular Grid Format with the addition that it allows comments and transition comments to also be displayed.
List / One pose per row (Portrait): This format contains the poses as one pose per row. It allows either the pose image to be displayed or not, and provides plenty of room to include extensive information about the poses (pose comments) and transitions.
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